Rebrand for a local vintage shop.

Located in Northern Raleigh, NC, Trunkshow boasts an impressive collection of vintage and handmade goods from local artisans. From clothes to housewares to everything in between, you never know what you could find. Their eclectic merchandise and commitment to authentically vintage goods became the basis for my inspiration as I worked on developing their brand identity and related marketing content.

Trunkshow's brand identity emulates a cool, retro vibe while staying true to the down to earth, funky aesthetic of their merchandise. Inspired by a '60s era color palette, the logo raises brand recognizability and contributes a sense of reliability in order to stand the test of time. I developed a set of sublogo variations and alternate marks as well. Trunkshow and it's brand is all about the appeal of items with a history given a new lease on life.


The Ordinary


Prophet, Priest & King